
Last post: CMF design

  During this semester I had only 3 courses, just a few if we compare with other years, and among which I really enjoyed the CMF Design course. This acronym means Color, Material and Finish and it's a method used in industrial Design for choosing the materials and colors that define how the products looks and feels for the users. The classes occurred this semester and went more short that a normal semester and went online, for that the dynamic of class was professorship and practice on homework in couples. In this course I learned how to make a CMF design process from start to finish. In short, first, we learned how to make a correct and complete analysis of users, raising information and making a data sheet considering their tastes, social interactión and needs. Then we did a moodboard to know the emotional considerations to get for design. This board help us to know how the product should look, define colors that we will use and some concepts for start the design formal job. The

N°8: Dezeen, a Design mass media.

What is Dezeen and why do I like to visit it frequently? Dezeen.com is a daily web magazine of design, their topics mainly are Architecture, interiorism design and product design. I love their releases and interviews with creators because I can learn, in their own words, a bit of their creative process, concepts or projects they are working on at that moment and what they are thinking for the future some of my benchmark designers, and allow me to know their projects with many photos and details. I often use this page regularly, a few times, one time a week or sometimes each day in the morning, through Insta stories links published day by day. That is a really good page for designers because it allows us, the creative professionals, to keep up with developments, news and trends. Another reason because I like this page is that it's multi-platform media (Mobile, web, youtube and social media) and the most important thing, all its contents are free and of very good quality.

N°7: How the Design make the world a better place?

  It is normal to think that product Design, as a professional discipline, make objects to satisfy the needs of people and make their life more comfortable, less complicated or simply better, and that is right but is not all true. The product design has been also an abettor of unethical processes and practices that harm the environment, so harm the whole world, producing non recyclable objects and using methods like the programmed obsolescence, perceived obsolescence and other techniques to motivate the excessive consumption of goods. That isn’t a promising perception of my career, but knowing the whole overview we can see how Design can make the world a better place.  In our world, infected with disposable products and any kind of waste, we, the new designers and design students, are trying to make the solutions for people’s needs with environmental and social responsibility. I see myself in the future collaborating in green industries or helping to transform classic industries to be

N°6: Pre-covid meet

This post will be quite nostalgic, at least to me, especially right now when we are quarantined once again :( This picture was taken by me two years ago, just before the pandemic arrived in Chile. In its are some of my friends and I and I think that the I like the most about this photo is that I am in this picture, okay that sounds bad jajaj, but have an explanation, usually I don’t like to take photos with me on them, that is almost the only one pic that I have and that like me with my friends and although I met with them a few times since then, I believe that fortunately I took the photo at that moment, because now, its make me remember better times when we used to be free jajaj. This photo didn't like me because its qualities, composition or esthetic if not, for the reason that I like the daily and improvised pics, because they allow to remember nice moments.

N°5: The tastiest thing in the world

My favorite food, without doubt are the french fries. It was difficul for me to decide this because I thought in many others meals like the pantrucas, pastel de choclo or the Empanadas, but exist only one meal that I can't resist and can eat a lot of it, and it is the French fries. Its like me so mush, because them are perfect, they are crunchy sometimes or creamy, they have  a beautiful color and works well with almost any others dish. As everyone knows, these are made with peeled potatoes or as I prefer them, can be made with skin. I love to eat them with matonnaise or cheese sauce and spice them with Merquén, I really love it! This is not the most healthiest food, I know, actually it is the opposite, so can't be eat them all time, even if they are the tastiest thing in the world, because them are a triple seal food.

N°4: My favorite piece of technology

  Is a difficult choice, because I think in various objects that I use for work and others to have a good time such as my camera or my cell phone, but lately I'm in love  of my Ipad. Last year I bought an old Ipad with apple pencil because I wanted to draw and though I don't this so much, is very comfortable draw in it. As well it thing is become my major partner at online classes when I am late, because I don't need to wait for it to be switched on. In the last time I only use it for this, so I don't use so much at moment. I'm waiting for the vacations so I can draw in it again and really enjoy it. I think that my life without it would not be much different, because at moment I don't use it so much but I think it's good to have it and I wish always had one of these to learn and make new things and work more comfortably.

N°3: Why I'm designer?

 In my first post I said that I'm a student to industrial designer since 2017 at the University of Chile, and now I'll tell you about why I decided to study this. Altough I didn't always want it. When I was a child I wanted to be a Chef, Architect or mechanical enginner, among other things, because I liked the mechanisms, the creative activities and make differents manual things all time. Until one day I did know that there existed some people called Designers who makes almost any kind of objects and products that I knew, so this I decided to become one of them. My dream job since I was a child is make some car, and I think that maybe I could make it happen some day, working in a specialited studio of vehicle design, but before I need to do a postgraduate cours for this. Though at present I'm interest in others things too, like the material research, bio design and Eco design for example. About my university experience studying this, I could say that it is not so bad...